19 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Mathematics as Magic

Who ... is not familiar with Maxwell's memoirs on his dynamical theory of gases? ... from one side enter the equations of state; from the other side, the equations of motion in a central field. Ever higher soars the chaos of formulae. Suddenly we hear, as from kettle drums, the four beats 'put n=5.' The evil spirit v vanishes; and ... that which had seemed insuperable has been overcome as if by a stroke of magic ... One result after another follows in quick succession till at last ... we arri...
Folksonomies: wonder mathematics
Folksonomies: wonder mathematics
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Ludwig Bolzmann describes working through Maxwell's dynamical theory of gases.

26 OCT 2011 by ideonexus

 Seven Steps to Achieve a 90% Chance of Living to 90 or 100

1. GET ACTIVE: Inactivity can shave almost four years off a person's expected lifespan. People who are physically inactive are twice as likely to be at risk for heart disease or stroke. 2. KNOW AND CONTROL CHOLESTEROL LEVELS: Almost 40 per cent of Canadian adults have high blood cholesterol, which can lead to the build up of fatty deposits in your arteries − increasing your risk for heart disease and stroke. 3. FOLLOW A HEALTHY DIET: Healthy eating is one of the most important things...
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If people adhere to these seven habits, they dramatically increase the number of years they can live.