12 DEC 2017 by ideonexus
Human Myth-Making is Crucial to Modern Society
It’s relatively easy to agree that only Homo sapiens can speak about things that don’t really exist, and believe six impossible things before breakfast. You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven. But why is it important? After all, 17 AUG 2016 by ideonexus
How Political Parties Strive to be Something Greater
Political parties strive to be something greater than the human beings they’re comprised of; they enshrine values and ideologies for the ages. The practical implications of this pursuit are often discussions of tax policy or judicial stances, but these debates are driven by what a certain group believes to be the best, most virtuous way to live life on earth. “The underlying unity of Whig-Republican ideology from Whiggism to Reaganisam,” Gerring writes, “can be found in three interrel...08 NOV 2013 by ideonexus
All Must be Accomplished with Existing Human Material
To the social philosopher and the enlightened social reformer, and best of all to the plain citizen taking thought of these matters, the first step in the right direction, the first basic principle that must underlie an understanding of the present Social Disorder and be imbedded in the foundation of the Social Order to come, should be the real and effective recognition that all that may be accomplished must be accomplished with the existing human material.
Not Angels.
"Not Angels."
05 AUG 2013 by ideonexus
Sociological Metaphors for the Public
Social science and philosophy have generated a vast number of other
metaphorical descriptions of the public, rooted in different and often scientific perspectives on systematicity and relation. These are technologies in the broad sense that they enable different kinds of questions to be asked. An account of these would include the public as:
A Physical System or Mass: This metaphor underwrites work in mass commu- nications and allows one to ask questions like “What is the impact of a given...Metaphors are an important means of understanding abstract concepts.
19 APR 2013 by ideonexus
Death is Not Assured
The organic perfectibility or deterioration of the classes of the vegetable, or species of the animal kingdom, may be regarded as one of the general laws of nature.
This law extends itself to the human race; and it cannot be doubted that the progress of the sanative art, that the use of more wholesome food and more comfortable habitations, that a mode of life which shall develope the physical powers by exercise, without at the same time impairing them by excess; in fine, that the destruction...Through perpetual improvement through the sciences, humans may not ever attain immortality, but we may extend our lives indefinitely.
28 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
The Conflict of Free Versus Social
The problem of values arises only when men try to fit together their need to be social animals with their need to be free men. There is no problem, and there are no values, until men want to do both. If an anarchist wants only freedom, whatever the cost, he will prefer the jungle of man at war with man. And if a tyrant wants only social order, he will create the totalitarian state.Anarchy or Totalitarianism, man can go to either extreme.
08 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Replacing the Gold Standard with an Energy Standard
It has been suggested by an ingenious thinker that it is possible to use as a standard of monetary value no substance whatever, but instead, force, and that value might be measured in units of energy. An excellent development this, in theory, at any rate, of the general idea of the modern State as kinetic and not static; it throws the old idea of the social order and the new into the sharpest antithesis. The old order is presented as a system of institutions and classes ruled by men of substa...Folksonomies: economics
Folksonomies: economics
An interesting idea; however difficult to quantify. It does set monetary standards to something more practical than a rare metal or credit evaluations.