29 MAY 2014 by ideonexus
The Importance of Altruism in Human Evolution
In proportion as physical characteristics become of less importance, mental and moral qualities will have an increasing importance to the well-being of the race. Capacity for acting in concert, for protection of food and shelter; sympathy, which leads all in turn to assist each other; the sense of right, which checks depredation upon our fellows ... all qualities that from earliest appearance must have been for the benefit of each community, and would therefore have become objects of natural ...Behaviors benefiting the community benefited the species.
08 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Property Equals Freedom
Under modern conditions%u2014indeed, under any conditions%u2014a man without some negotiable property is a man without freedom, and the extent of his property is very largely the measure of his freedom. Without any property, without even shelter or food, a man has no choice but to set about getting these things; he is in servitude to his needs until he has secured property to satisfy them. But with a certain small property a man is free to do many things, to take a fortnight's holiday when he...Folksonomies: centrism
Folksonomies: centrism
The more property a person has, the more freedom they have with it, but there is a point where their amassing of property infringes on the rights of others.