04 NOV 2018 by ideonexus
A Computer Algorithm for Randomization
Back in the early days of computers, one of the more popular methods of generating a sequence of random numbers was to employ the following scheme:
1. Choose a starting number between 0 and 1.
2. Multiply the starting number by 4 ("stretch" it). Subtract 4 times the square of the starting number from the quantity obtained in step 2 ("fold" the interval back on itself in order to keep the final result in the same range).
3.Given a starting number between 0 and 1, we can use the proce-dure�...Folksonomies: algorithms randomization
Folksonomies: algorithms randomization
From John Casti.
27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Redundancy in the English Language
Whenever we communicate, rules everywhere restrict our freedom to choose the next letter and the next pineapple.I Because these rules render certain patterns more likely and certain patterns almost impossible, languages like English come well short of complete uncertainty and maximal information: the sequence “th” has already occurred 6,431 times in this book, the sequence “tk” just this once. From the perspective of the information theorist, our languages are hugely predictable— al...Monte Carlo method for building words and sentences.
27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Constituative Rules of Chutes and Ladders
Players all begin with a value of zero.
Players alternate turns adding a random number of 1–6 to their current value.
The first player to reach a value of exactly 100 wins (if adding the random number to a player's total would make the total exceed 100, do not add the random number this turn).
When a player's total exactly reaches certain numbers, the total changes. For example, if a player reaches exactly 9, her total becomes 31. If a player reaches exactly 49, her total becomes 11.(This r...13 APR 2013 by ideonexus
Gary Gygax Explains Dice
As the DM, the tools of your trade are dice — platonic solid-shaped or just about any other sort. The random numbers you generate by rblling dice determine the results based on the probabilities determined herein or those you have set forth on your own. In case you are not familiar with probability curves, there are two types which are determined by your dice: linear (straight line),'which has equal probability of any given integer in the number group, and bell (ascending and descending lin...Probability, percentages, averages, there's a lot of math in this introduction to the most important tool of the gamer.
What does it mean that the average role of a 1d6 is 3.5 but the probability of any number coming up is 16.7?