22 JAN 2014 by ideonexus
Ask Nature Many Questions at Once
No aphorism is more frequently repeated . . . than that we must ask Nature few questions, or ideally, one question at a time. The writer is convinced that this view is wholly mistaken. Nature, he suggests, will best respond to a logically and carefully thought out questionnaire; indeed if we ask her a single question, she will often refuse to answer until some other topic has been discussed.Folksonomies: scientific method investigation
Folksonomies: scientific method investigation
Against the common wisdom of asking one question at a time.
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Babies Come Through an Unaesthetic Location
I do not know why the Creator unaesthetically put the baby door in this particular location—between the bladder and the rectum. It has necessitated a very unladylike but definitely mother-like position known as squatting to perform the act of giving birth. Whether we like it or not, the act of emptying the baby box is mechanically identical to emptying the rectum. As a man I will never know what it actually feels like having a baby. Being very interested in subjectively preparing mothers-to...Located between the bladder and rectum.
03 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Orgasms and Sperm Retention
t. Baker and Bellis discovered that the amount of sperm that is retained in a woman's vagina after sex varies according to whether she had an orgasm and when. It also depends on how long it was since she last had sex: The longer the period, the more sperm stays in, unless she has what the scientists call "a noncopulatory orgasm" in between.
So far none of this contained great surprises; these facts were unknown before Baker and Bellis did their work (which consisted of samples collected by ...Women retain more sperm when they have an orgasm, but they are also more likely to be unfaithful when most fertile.