19 MAR 2015 by ideonexus

 The Chain of Human Rights to Morphological Freedom

The right to life, the right to not have other people prevent oneself from surviving, is a central right, without which all other rights have no meaning. But to realize the right to life we need other rights. Another central right for any humanistic view of human rights is the right to seek happiness. Without it human flourishing is unprotected, and there is not much point in having a freedom to live if it will not be at least a potentially happy life. In a way the right to life follows from...
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From Anders Sandberg's "Morphological Freedom – Why We Not Just Want It, but Need It"

07 NOV 2014 by ideonexus

 Collective Mind from Olaf Stapledon

The designers of our species set out to produce a being that might be capable of an order of mentality higher than their own. The only possibility of doing so lay in planning a great increase in brain organisation. But they knew that the brain of an individual human being could not safely be allowed to exceed a certain weight. They therefore sought to produce the new order of mentality in a system of distinct and specialised brains held in "telepathic" unity by means of ethereal radiation. Ma...
Folksonomies: collectivism borganism
Folksonomies: collectivism borganism
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30 MAY 2012 by ideonexus

 "Run the Tape Again"

Run the tape again, and let the tiny twig of Homo sapiens expire in Africa. Other hominids may have stood on the threshold of what we know as human possibilities, but many sensible scenarios would never generate our level of mentality. Run the tape again, and this time Neanderthal perishes in Europe and Homo erectus in Asia (as they did in our world). The sole surviving human stock, Homo erectus in Africa, stumbles along for a while, even prospers, but does not speciate and therefore remains ...
Folksonomies: history evolution meaning
Folksonomies: history evolution meaning
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We are here by luck, not fate.

29 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 The Rational Versus the Irrational

Only two possible escapes can save us from the organized mayhem of our dark potentialities-the side that has given us crusades, witch hunts, enslavements, and holocausts. Moral decency provides one necessary ingredient, but not nearly enough. The second foundation must come from the rational side of our mentality. For, unless we rigorously use human reason to discover and acknowledge nature's factuality ... we will lose out to the frightening forces of irrationality, romanticism, uncompromisi...
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Look at the works of our irrational nature and compare them to our rational to see which direction we should wish humanity to travel.

04 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 Genes versus Hormones in Homosexuality

It is clear, however, that the cause of homosexuality lies in some unusual balance of hormonal influence in the womb but not later on, a fact that further supports the idea that the mentality of sexual preference is affected by prenatal sex hormones. This is not incompatible with the growing evidence that homosexuality is genetically determined. The "gay gene" that I will discuss in the ext chapter is widely expected to turn out to be a series of genes that affect the sensitivity of certain t...
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Are the genes for homosexuality like the genes for height? Not a predetermined thing, but putting us in averages?