13 MAR 2014 by ideonexus
Humans are Terrifying
More seriously, humans do have a number of advantages even among Terrestrial life. Our endurance, shock resistance, and ability to recover from injury is absurdly high compared to almost any other animal. We often use the phrase “healthy as a horse” to connote heartiness - but compared to a human, a horse is as fragile as spun glass. There’s mounting evidence that our primitive ancestors would hunt large prey simply by following it at a walking pace, without sleep or rest, until it died...From a forum, why humans make a great monster race for other aliens to fear. Yet to find original reference yet.
12 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
An Optimistic View of the Rise of Cancer
The fact that death from cancer is on the increase is not only a problem of medicine, but its at the same time testifies to the wonderful efficiency of medical science... [as it] enables more persons top live long enough to develop some kind of cancer in old and less resistant tissues.It means people are living long enough to get cancer.
13 FEB 2012 by ideonexus
Nothing is Known by Guess
Nothing is known in our profession by guess; and I do not believe, that from the first dawn of medical science to the present moment, a single correct idea has ever emanated from conjecture: it is right therefore, that those who are studying their profession should be aware that there is no short road to knowledge; and that observation on the diseased living, examination of the dead, and experiments upon living animals, are the only sources of true knowledge; and that inductions from these ar...Folksonomies: empiricism medicine
Folksonomies: empiricism medicine
In medicine, everything is known from examination of the dead and experiments on living animals. A bit of wisdom from 1851.
18 APR 2011 by ideonexus
Primitive Women were Scientists
rhe systematic development of knowledge and technology that we all 'science' originated in the millennia of prehistory, and early vomen were among these first 'scientists'. They invented tools, accumulated knowledge about edible and medicinal plants, and 3robably discovered 'the chemistry of pot-making, the physics of spinning, the mechanics of the loom, and the botany of flax anc ;otton'.i These developments occurred over long periods of time arising independently in different parts of the w...With gathering being our primary mode of operation in primitive society, the responsibility fell on women to do the scientific research.