29 APR 2013 by ideonexus
Christmas is Not Christian
I have decked my soundproof booth with boughs of holly and, of course, poinsettia or, some say, poin-settia. Though it is actually pronounced pon-see-ha. Did you know that it is a Mexican plant? It is. Named for the ambassador to Mexico, James Poinsett, it was brought to our country in 1828 and quickly became favored over its predecessor, the Christ-odendron.
Some might argue we've ended up with an inferior, less godly plant. But in fact, history shows us so little of Christmas is actually C...Most of the traditions we embrace for the holiday have pagan origins.
28 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
Get a Child Addicted to the Real Wonders of the World
It’s easy to get a child addicted to real wonders if you start early enough. Simply point them out—they are all around us—and include a few references to what was once thought to be true. Take thunder. Explain that a bolt of lightning rips through the air, zapping trillions of air molecules with energy hotter than the Sun. Those superheated molecules explode out of the way with a crack! Then the bolt is gone, and all those molecules smash into each other again as they fill in the emptin...Folksonomies: wonder sense of wonder
Folksonomies: wonder sense of wonder
Teach them the fact of thunder and lightening and then tell them the god-explanation and see which one they think is more interesting.