05 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Wave-Particle Duality

It did not cause anxiety that Maxwell's equations did not apply to gravitation, since nobody expected to find any link between electricity and gravitation at that particular level. But now physics was faced with an entirely new situation. The same entity, light, was at once a wave and a particle. How could one possibly imagine its proper size and shape? To produce interference it must be spread out, but to bounce off electrons it must be minutely localized. This was a fundamental dilemma, and...
Folksonomies: physics
Folksonomies: physics
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The trouble with conceptualizing it.

23 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Doctors Interfere with the Living Principle

Doctor, no medicine.—We are machines made to live—organized expressly for that purpose.—Such is our nature.—Do not counteract the living principle.—Leave it at liberty to defend itself, and it will do better than your drugs.
Folksonomies: medicine survival
Folksonomies: medicine survival
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A quote from Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte on how living things know how to survive on their own without the interference of medicine.

02 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 William Lawrence on the Need for Free Science

Lawrence eventually went on to broaden his attack. Science, he argued, had an autonomous right to express its views fearlessly and objectively, without interference from Church or state. It must avoid ‘clouds of fears and hopes, desires and aversions’. It must ‘discern objects clearly’ and shun ‘intellectual mist’. It must dispel myth and dissipate ‘absurd fables’.19 The world of scientific research was wholly independent. ‘The theological doctrine of the soul, and its separ...
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Science must operate without fear of oppression or reaction from authorities.

05 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Hitler Decries Atheism and Avows Nazi Allegiance With Chr...

No, it is not we that have deserted Christianity, it is those who came before us who deserted Christianity. We have only carried through a clear division between politics which have to do with terrestrial things, and religion, which must concern itself with the celestial sphere. There has been no interference with the doctrine (Lehre ) of the Confessions or with their religious freedom (Bekenntnisfreiheit ), nor will there be any such interference. On the contrary the State protects religion,...
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Hitler should never be used as an example of any ideology or as an extreme of any belief. I post this here only to refute the argument that Hitler was motivated by Darwinism and Atheism. If he was, then he used Christianity to motivate his troops.

06 MAR 2011 by ideonexus

 The Prime Directive

As the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no Starfleet personnel may interfere with the normal and healthy development of alien life and culture. Such interference includes introducing superior knowledge, strength, or technology to a world whose society is incapable of handling such advantages wisely. Starfleet personnel may not violate this Prime Directive, even to save their lives and/or their ship, unless they are a...
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Most eloquent definition of the Prime Directive I've found yet.