30 DEC 2013 by ideonexus

 The Tapping Game

The tapping game is when I tap one time, you tap two times, and when I tap two times, you tap one time. Children play this game sixteen times, mixing up the times that children are asked to tap once when the experimenter taps twice, and tap twice when the experimenter taps once. In other words, the rules of the game keep changing, and the children need to apply their focus and attention to follow what’s going on. Blair says: What happens with four-year-olds is, in general, they’ll hang in...
Folksonomies: games parenting
Folksonomies: games parenting
  1  notes

A game for children to learn focus.

24 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 Conservation Tasks and Reason

Piaget had his own way of assessing brain maturation during this period, using his now-famous "conservation" tasks, try this one out on your tour-to-eight-year-old: fill two identical short, squat glasses with equal volumes of water, and ask your child, "Do the two glasses contain the same amount of water, or does one have more?" Now, pour all the water from one of these 'lasses into a tall, narrow glass, and ask your child the same question. Four-year-olds almost invariably say that the ta...
  1  notes

A four-year-old cannot grasp the concept of conservation of mass, but an eight-year-old has no problem with it.