21 NOV 2014 by ideonexus

 The World of the Electron and the Switch

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murde...
Folksonomies: manifesto hacking
Folksonomies: manifesto hacking
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25 JUL 2013 by ideonexus

 Nature is Intrinsically Probabilistic

Here are the circumstances: source, strong light source; tell me, behind which hole will I see the electron? You say, 'Well, the reason you can't tell through which hole you're going to see the electron is, it's determined by some very complicated things back here: if I knew enough about that electron - it has internal wheels, internal gears, and so forth - and that this is what determines through which hole it goes. It's 50/50 probability because, like a die, it's set sort of at random - and...
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The light as a particle/wave duality make it impossible to predict where an electron will emerge in an experiment.

19 JAN 2013 by ideonexus

 Kuhn's Explanation of Scientific Revolutions as Post-Mode...

The politics the book ascribed to science resonated closely with prevailing attitudes. Scientists ("the Man") resist new (baby boomer) ideas, clinging to old (Western white male), outdated theories even as the evidence they are being willfully blind to accumulates (discrimination) like energy in an electron until it finally becomes overwhelming (the civil rights movement). Then, suddenly, in a crystallizing moment (revelation), the ruling order is displaced (comeuppance) and the intellectual ...
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An interesting comparison.

11 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 The Sane Universe

One might talk about the sanity of the atom the sanity of space the sanity of the electron the sanity of water— For it is all alive and has something comparable to that which we call sanity in ourselves. The only oneness is the oneness of sanity.
Folksonomies: poetry empiricism
Folksonomies: poetry empiricism
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A poem. Replace "sanity" with "empirical reality".

05 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Questions Without Answer

Daddy,' she says, 'which came first, the chicken or the egg?' Steadfastly, even desperately, we have been refusing to commit ourselves. But our questioner is insistent. The truth alone will satisfy her. Nothing less. At long last we gather up courage and issue our solemn pronouncement on the subject: 'Yes!' So it is here. 'Daddy, is it a wave or a particle?' 'Yes.' 'Daddy, is the electron here or is it there?' 'Yes.' 'Daddy, do scientists really know what they are talking about?' 'Yes!'
Folksonomies: questions conundrums
Folksonomies: questions conundrums
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Example of an inquisitive child asking the hard questions of science.

29 MAR 2012 by ideonexus

 Gravity is an Extremely Feeble Force

...imagine holding an electron in your left hand and another electron in your right hand and bringing these two identical electrically charged particles close together. Their mutual gravitational attraction will favor their getting closer while their electromagnetic repulsion will try to drive them apart. Which is stronger? There is no contest: The electromagnetic repulsion is about a million billion billion billion billion (10 to the 42th) times stronger! If your right bicep represents the s...
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In comparison to the other forces holding the Universe together.

22 MAR 2012 by ideonexus


Neutrinos were first predicted to exist as the result of a puzzle related to the decay of neutrons. While neutrons are stable inside atomic nuclei, free neutrons are observed to decay, in an average time of about 10 minutes, into protons and electrons. The electric charge works out fine, because a neutron is electrically neutral, while a proton has a positive charge and an electron an equal and opposite negative charge. The mass of a proton plus an electron is almost as much as the mass of a ...
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An explanation of a fascinating particle that is the byproduct of the production of proton and electrons.

22 MAR 2012 by ideonexus

 1420 megahertz

In the Next Generation episode “Galaxy's Child,” the Enterprise stumbles upon an alien life-form that lives in empty space, feeding on energy. Particularly tasty is radiation with a very specific frequency 1420 million cycles per second, having a wavelength of 21 cm. In the spirit of Pythagoras, if there were a Music of the Spheres, surely this would be its opening tone. Fourteen hundred and twenty megahertz is the natural frequency of precession of the spin of an electron as it encircle...
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The natural frequency of precession of the spin of an electron as it encircles the atomic nucleus of hydrogen, it is the tone of the universe.

28 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Electrons Cannot Simultaneously Have Position and Velocity

On careful examination the physicist finds that in the sense in which he uses language no meaning at all can be attached to a physical concept which cannot ultimately be described in terms of some sort of measurement. A body has position only in so far as its position can be measured; if a position cannot in principle be measured, the concept of position applied to the body is meaningless, or in other words, a position of the body does not exist. Hence if both the position and velocity of ele...
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If the characteristics cannot be measured, they do not exist; therefore, electrons cannot simultaneously have both position and velocity characteristics.

28 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 The Wonder of X-Rays Affecting a Photographic Plate

But in its [the corpuscular theory of radiation] relation to the wave theory there is one extraordinary and, at present, insoluble problem. It is not known how the energy of the electron in the X-ray bulb is transferred by a wave motion to an electron in the photographic plate or in any other substance on which the X-rays fall. It is as if one dropped a plank into the sea from the height of 100 ft. and found that the spreading ripple was able, after travelling 1000 miles and becoming infinite...
Folksonomies: physics x-rays electron
Folksonomies: physics x-rays electron
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Bragg compares it to a wave traveling 100 feet to knock a board out of a ship.