13 MAR 2014 by ideonexus
The Composition of Planets
As to your reasoning of the inconvenience that a centre would become further removed from another centre than from the circumference of his own globe, though centres are of the same species while the centre and circumference are of contrary nature and should therefore be furthest removed from one another, I reply as follows: Firstly, that contraries need not be at the furthest distance one from another, inasmuch as one may influence the other or may be patient of influence therefrom; as we se...And why we do not see them orbiting other suns.
06 OCT 2013 by ideonexus
The Beauty of Comparative Anatomy
It is one of the most beautiful interests of that beautiful science, comparative anatomy, to trace the complex and wonderful adaptations of living things to the necessities of existence in air. All living things, plants and animals alike, are primarily water things. For example all the higher vertebrated animals above the fishes, up to and including man, pass through a stage in their development in the egg or before birth in which they have gill slits which are obliterated before the young em...How our form changed to me the functions of dry land.
01 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Utnapashtim Origin of the Story of Noah's Ark
The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest stories ever written. Older than the legends of the Greeks or the Jews, it is the ancient heroic myth of the Sumerian civilization, which flourished in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago. Gilgamesh was the great hero king of Sumerian myth - a bit like King Arthur in British legends, in that nobody knows whether he actually existed, but lots of stories were told about him. Like the Greek hero Odysseus (Ulysses) and the Arabian he...The Sumerian legend is clearly where the Old Testament gets its version of the story.
19 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The Evolution of Whales from Land to Sea
Whales were long an enigma, but recently our knowledge of whale evolution has become
rather rich. Molecular genetic evidence (see Chapter 10 for the nature of this kind of evidence)
shows that the closest living cousins of whales are hippos, then pigs, then ruminants. Even more
surprisingly, the molecular evidence shows that hippos are more closely related to whales than they
are to the cloven-hoofed animals (such as pigs and ruminants) which look much more like them.
This is another example ...The opposite of sea animals evolving to live on land.