29 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Loss of Hope Accelerates the Death of Trantor
"The fall of Trantor," said Seldon, "cannot be stopped by any conceivable
effort. It can be hastened easily, however. The tale of my interrupted
trial will spread through the Galaxy. Frustration of my plans to lighten
the disaster will convince people that the future holds no promise to them.
Already they recall the lives of their grandfathers with envy. They will
see that political revolutions and trade stagnations will increase. The
feeling will pervade the Galaxy that onl...05 OCT 2014 by ideonexus
Relativity in Space Warfare
"Most of you are too young to remember the term future shock. Back in the seventies, some people felt that technological progress was so rapid that people, normal people, couldn't cope with it; that they wouldn't have time to get used to the present before the future was upon them. A man named Toffler coined the term future shock to describe this situation." The commodore could get pretty academic.
"We're caught up in a physical situation that resembles this scholarly concept. The result has...Having to travel at speeds of light means facing a future version of the enemy and that you are attacking them from the past.
21 APR 2014 by ideonexus
Realism in "A Song of Ice and Fire"
Game of Thrones takes place in a land that feels somewhat post-apocalyptic — there are occasional glimmers of hints that something really bad might have happened to Westeros long ago, and that's the reason for the irregular and attenuated seasons. But even more than that, we know Westeros is on the brink of a zombie apocalypse from the very first moment of the story. And part of the genius of Martin's slow-as-soil-erosion storytelling is that the zombie threat never quite arrives, but we ke...The engaging storytelling is the result of its connection to how the world works with gray characters and glacial problems.