22 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
Save Species to Eat Them
The creativity behind social marketing can be alarming. A recent television ad depicted water disappearing into a storm drain as a voice warned that lawn fertilizer in the spring can wind up in the Chesapeake Bay. "No crab should die like this," the announcer opines. Later, the announcer appears on screen with a small tub in hand, exclaiming "they should perish in some hot, tasty melted butter!" This promotion by the Chesapeake Bay Program, a subsidiary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Ag...A different way to reach people concerning endangered species is to point out they will no longer be available as lunch.
20 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Transforming Species Through Mathematics
In 1917 the great Scottish zoologist D'Arcy Thompson wrote a book called On Growth and
Form, in the last chapter of which he introduced his famous 'method of transformations'. * He
would draw an animal on graph paper, and then he would distort the graph paper in a
mathematically specifiable way and show that the form of the original animal had turned into
another, related animal. You could think of the original graph paper as a piece of rubber, on which
you draw your first animal. Then the tr...D'Arcy Thompson showed how one species could be transformed into another by sketching it on graph paper and distorting it.