10 FEB 2018 by ideonexus
Imaginative Play Creates Ownership
Ultimately, the child as creator exercises a whole range of capacities that set the Stage for original thinking. We find the imprint of creative practice in the blending of experiences and ideas, the classifications of real and imagined things, the organization of systemic patterns and narrative sequences, the modeling of worlds, the generation of artifacts, and the synthesizing of all that is known and felt into one grand design.
The creating self "owns" the processes and products of make-...20 FEB 2014 by ideonexus
Defining "Uncertainty"
‘Uncertainty’ is a complex and multifaceted property, sometimes originating
in a lack of information, and at other times from quite fundamental
disagreements about what is known or even knowable (Moss
and Schneider, 2000). Furthermore, scientists often disagree about the
best or most appropriate way to characterize these uncertainties: some
can be quantified easily while others cannot. Moreover, appropriate
characterization is dependent on the intended use of the information
and the parti...Folksonomies: uncertainty definitions
Folksonomies: uncertainty definitions
From the IPCC report. Interesting for including different definitions of terms in its description.
30 MAY 2012 by ideonexus
Taxonomy is About Connecting and Explaining Life
Taxonomy (the science of classification) is often undervalued as a glorified form of filing—with each species in its folder, like a stamp in its prescribed place in an album; but taxonomy is a fundamental and dynamic science, dedicated to exploring the causes of relationships and similarities among organisms. Classifications are theories about the basis of natural order, not dull catalogues compiled only to avoid chaos. Not just categorizing it.
13 APR 2012 by ideonexus
The Bonds Revealed Through Taxonomy
From the most remote period in the history of the world organic beings have been found to resemble each other in descending degrees, so that they can be classed in groups under groups. This classification is not arbitrary like the grouping of the stars in constellations. The existence of groups would have been of simpler significance, if one group had been exclusively fitted to inhabit the land and another the water; one to feed on flesh, another on vegetable matter, and so on; but the case i...Darwin notes how the exercise of classification of species reveals connections to other living things.
20 SEP 2011 by ideonexus
Taxonomies are Not Arbitrary, but Factual
Mayr lived exactly 100 years, producing a stream of books and papers
up to the day of his death. Among these was his 1963 classic, Animal
Species and Evolution, the very book that made me want to study evolution.
In it Mayr recounted a striking fact. When he totaled up the names
that the natives of New Guinea’s Arfak Mountains applied to local birds,
he found that they recognized 136 different types. Western zoologists,
using traditional methods of taxonomy, recognized 137 species. In other...Example of the natives of an island having nearly the same number of classifications of birds as the taxonomists who studies the species.