29 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
Why Traveling at the Speed of Light Slows Down Time
the precise time difference between stationary and moving clocks depends on how
much farther the sliding clock's photon must travel to complete each round-trip journey This in turn depends on how quickly the
sliding clock is moving—from the viewpoint of a stationary observer, the faster the clock is sliding, the farther the photon must
travel to the right. We conclude that in comparison to a stationary clock, the rate of ticking of the sliding clock becomes slower and
slower as it moves fas...An elegant explanation in physical terms of photons and the distances they travel.
03 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Dimensions of an Atomic Size Computer
If we somehow manage to make an atomic size computer, it would mean that the dimension, the linear dimension, is a thousand to ten thousand times smaller than those very tiny chips that we have now. It means that the volume of the computer is 100 billionth or 10^-11 of the present volume, because the volume of the "transistor" is smaller by a factor of 10^-11 than the transistors we make today. The energy requirements for a single switch is also about eleven orders of magnitude smaller than t...Folksonomies: computing
Folksonomies: computing
As described by Richard Feynman in 1985, with the benefits in energy consumption and processing power that come with it.