03 APR 2015 by ideonexus

 Four C's of Technology and Education

Creation: Allowing students to use technology for creation purposes allows them to tap their creative juices for presentations of knowledge learned. ... I am a fan of not limiting the students and allowing them to choose how they want to "present." A well-written rubric allows a teacher to grade any content in any type of presentation fairly. [...] Consumption: ... There is data out there that says students don't learn as well using a device to read, but also some very recent reports that s...
Folksonomies: education technology
Folksonomies: education technology
  1  notes
06 NOV 2013 by ideonexus

 What Humanism Can Learn from the LGBT Community

So, what can the godless movement learn from the LGBT movement? Bullet point number one: coming out. Coming out is the single most powerful political act that LGBT people can take—and it’s the single most powerful political act that godless people can take. Consistently, polls show that the one factor most likely to predict whether people support gay rights is whether they know a gay person personally. (Or, to be more accurate—whether they know that they know a gay person.) And I think ...
Folksonomies: activism atheism humanism
Folksonomies: activism atheism humanism
  1  notes

The history of gay rights activism provides many lessons for atheists in seeking equality.