31 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
The Beauty of Newton's Hypothesis
Newton supposed that the case of the planet was similar to that of [a ball spun around on the end of an elastic string]; that it was always pulled in the direction of the sun, and that this attraction or pulling of the sun produced the revolution of the planet, in the same way that the traction or pulling of the elastic string produces the revolution of the ball. What there is between the sun and the planet that makes each of them pull the other, Newton did not know; nobody knows to this day;...Folksonomies: gravity hypothesis
Folksonomies: gravity hypothesis
Is that it worked, produced measurable results and predictions, and it didn't matter that what gravity is remained a mystery.
11 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Newton's Discovery of Gravity as an Example of Induction ...
All the knowledge we possess of external objects is founded upon experience, which furnishes facts; and the comparison of these facts establishes relations, from which induction, the intuitive belief that like causes will produce like effects, leads to general laws. Thus, experience teaches that bodies fall at the surface of the earth with an accelerated velocity, and with a force proportional to their masses. By comparison, Newton proved that the force which occasions the fall of bodies at t...He extended the force pulling everything down to the Earth out to the Moon, then to the Sun, and then the planets to see how our solar system really works.
03 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
A Multi-Bodied Alien Considers a Single-Bodied One
Even if there had been no Dataset, even if Johanna Olsndot had not come from the stars, she would still be the most fascinating creature in the world: a pack-equivalent mind in a single body. You could walk right up to her, you could touch her, without the least confusion. It was frightening at first, but all of them quickly felt the attraction. For packs, closeness had always meant mindlessness—whether for sex or battle. Imagine being able to sit by the fire with a friend and carry on an i...Folksonomies: otherness
Folksonomies: otherness
A race of aliens like wolves, who form beings made of packs that share thoughts through short-range sounds, so that they cannot get too close to other packs without getting their thoughts confused, wonders at a little human girl.
30 AUG 2011 by ideonexus
Political, Social, and Scientific Values Should be Mathem...
[P]olitical and social and scientific values … should be correlated in some relation of movement that could be expressed in mathematics, nor did one care in the least that all the world said it could not be done, or that one knew not enough mathematics even to figure a formula beyond the schoolboy s=(1/2)gt2. If Kepler and Newton could take liberties with the sun and moon, an obscure person ... could take liberties with Congress, and venture to multiply its attraction into the square of its...Henry Brooks Adams argues there should be some mathematical formula to describe social and political forces.