06 JAN 2018 by ideonexus
Mental Illness is Not Correlated with Genius
What madness may have to do with creativity and genius has continued to intrigue down to this day, with scholars arguing for and against the association, its benefits and its deficits. In 1995, in a large scale and statistically convincing study of 1,004 eminent individuals of the 20th century, psychiatrist Arnold Ludwig argued that no necessary or sufficient correlation, hence no causal connection, between mental illness and creative achievement was to be found. Individuals in artistic profe...22 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
The Success of Zoos
Given that 143 million people visit accredited zoos and aquariums each year, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums is entitled to the claim that the association is building North America's largest wildlife conservation movement. Zoos and aquariums are mainstream environmental organizations. Their supporters, some 48 million registered members, are extraordinarily committed to conservation, and AZA zoos and aquariums back up their boast with money, spending some $250 million in 2006 on i,719 c...As an example of a capitalist solution to conservation.
19 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
Juxtaposition is the Spice of Life
Let me suggest a new axiom: juxtaposition is the spice of life.
Humanity’s biggest talent, unique to us, is juxtaposing, finding and
operating novel relationships between things or ideas... Recent ideas on neural activity suggest that the brain operates
in a very associative way, with small neuron clusters containing
core concepts, rather in the way a battery holds a trickle charge.
These core concepts would be irreducibly small fragments of sounds
or sights, or any phenomena that you exper...The brain can be wired more ways then there are atoms in the Universe, and new combinations create new ideas and innovations.
29 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Three Categories for Memes
What kinds of memes are there? I've divided memes into three classes: distinctions, knives used to slice up reality; strategies, beliefs about which causes will produce which effects; and associations, attitudes about everything in life. Each class of meme works to program you in a different way.
The universe is full of stuff. However, anything we say about that stuff is purely a concept-a set of memes-invented by human beings. All concepts are composed of memes. Fo...Distinction, Strategy, and Association