22 SEP 2017 by ideonexus
Civilization is About Capturing Energy
Civilisation, like life itself, has always been about capturing energy. That is to say, just as a successful species is one that converts the sun’s energy into offspring more rapidly than another species, so the same is true of a nation. Progressively, as the aeons passed, life as a whole has grown gradually more and more efficient at doing this, at locally cheating the second law of thermodynamics. The plants and animals that dominate the earth today channel more of the sun’s energy thro...Folksonomies: energy
Folksonomies: energy
08 NOV 2013 by ideonexus
We are Ultimately Responsible for Our Fate
Thus it is that (to ensure feeding and breeding), "Nature" during the aeons of experimentation which we call "Evolution" has developed a variety of fixed preservative instincts, traits, and characteristics in the animal world. From the animal world, we as animals have inherited such of these instincts, traits, and characteristics as were necessary or most favorable to Man's survival and present dominance. "Gifts": Peculiarly Human. In addition to these, man lias acquired, attained, or bee...If we choose to interfere with evolution and nature, then we are responsible for the consequences, but if we choose not to, then we are also responsible for the consequences.
24 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Jefferson's Intention with “The Philosophy of Jesus of ...
In extracting the pure principles which he taught, we should have to strip off the artificial vestments in which they have been muffled by priests, who have travestied them into various forms, as instruments of riches and power to themselves. We must dismiss the Platonists and Plotinists, the Stagyrites and Gamalielites, the Eclectics, the Gnostics and Scholastics, their essences and emanations, their logos and demiurges, aeons and daemons, male and female, with a long train of … or, shall ...Folksonomies: founding fathers separation of church and state
Folksonomies: founding fathers separation of church and state
A description of the problems Jefferson had with the gospels in their existing form, which were easily twisted for greedy purposes.