04 NOV 2018 by ideonexus
Brian-Sutton Smith's Seven Rhetorics of Play
Play as Progress: Play is a way of turning children into adults. Play is valuable because it educates and develops the cognitive capacities of human or animal youth. Examples: All forms of children's play and animal play
Play as Fate: Human lives and play are controlled by fate in the form of destiny, gods, atoms, neurons, or luck, but not by free will. Examples: Gambling and games of chance
Play as Power: Play is a form of conflict and a way to fortify the status of those who control the p...29 NOV 2016 by ideonexus
Earthseed 36-40
36. We give our dead
We give our deadTo the orchardsAnd the groves.We give our deadTo life.
∞ = Δ
37. Darkness gives shape
DarknessGives shape to the lightAs lightShapes the darkness.DeathGives shape to lifeAs lifeShapes death.The universeAnd GodShare this wholeness,EachDefining the other.GodGives shape to the universeAs the universeShapes God.
∞ = Δ
38. Chaos
ChaosIs God’s most dangerous face—Amorphous, roiling, hungry.Shape Chaos—Shape God.Act.
Alter the speedOr the direction o...Folksonomies: earthseed
Folksonomies: earthseed