12 DEC 2017 by ideonexus

 The Pantheon of Cyberspace

Although the dictionary definition of "pagan" simplply describes someone who is neither Jewish, Christian, nor Mos lem, a more practical working definition might encompass a religious philosophy of immanence—that the divine is present in all creation, but in manifold forms. Thus the Roman hearth belonged to Vesta, the threshold to Janus, and the power of communication to Mercury, each representing a specific domain of influence, and each with separate rites and rituals. We think of these go...
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17 MAR 2013 by ideonexus

 Science Threatened Monarchical Power

Following the death of Christ and the preaching by his disciples, the promised prospect of salvation for all believers raised the Christian priest¬ hood to unprecedentedly powerful popularity. The combined religious and martial emperorship found its authoritarianly formulated credo (meaning "I believe") threatened by the B.C. Greek scientists' ever-unorthodox thinking and discovering. "Science," as Sir James Jeans said two millennia later, "is the earnest attempt to set in order the facts of...
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Thus emperors sought to destroy learning and evidence-based reasoning.

16 MAR 2013 by ideonexus

 Zero is Freedom

It is also clear that beginning with Plato's pupil Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) and the latter's practical philosophy, the geocentric concept of the celestial system was, after 200 B.C., becoming more and more formally adopted by the "world's" flat-minded power-structure "authorities," despite contradic¬ tory complexities. The difficultly explained geocentric cosmic systems' plan¬ etary behaviors and Sun motion was not considered by the authorities to be an objection since, as they rationalized...
Folksonomies: history mathematics zero
Folksonomies: history mathematics zero
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The emptiness allowed for freedom of calculations that would usurp the authoritarian powers.