04 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Hormones on the Brain
At school, boys are fidgety, difficult, inattentive, and slow to learn, compared to girls. Nineteen out of every twenty hyperactive children are boys. Four times as many boys as girls are dyslexic and learning disabled. "Education is almost a conspiracy against the aptitudes and inclinations of a schoolboy," wrote psychologist Dianne McGuiness, a sentiment to which almost every man with a memory of school will raise a hearty cry of assent.
But another fact begins to emerge at school. Girls a...How hormones affect learning in school children.
01 JAN 2010 by ideonexus
Examples of Digital Freedom Rhetoric
Digital freedom, of the monetary and First Amendment varieties, may in retrospect have become our era’s version of Manifest Destiny, our Turner thesis. Embracing digital freedom was an exaltation, a kind of noble calling. In a smart essay in the journal Fast Capitalism in 2005, Jack Shuler shows how similar the rhetoric of the 1990s digital frontier was to that of the 19th-century frontier era. It’s a short jump from John L. O’Sullivan in 1839—“The far-reaching, the boundless wi...Folksonomies: wild wild web
Folksonomies: wild wild web
A great selection of examples of arguments for online digital freedom from some of the better minds of the 1990s.