23 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Engineering Away Extinction, Ecological Functioning
Or might the threatened animal be just one of several subspecies that all perform approximately the same ecological function? In that case its extinction might be inconsequential. That was the reality when the Galapagos giant tortoise ‘Lonesome George’ died in June 2012 and was mourned worldwide. Dubbed ‘the rarest living creature’, he was (probably) the last of his subspecies. Ecologists shrugged. Taxonomists shrugged. There are 10 more subspecies of Galapagos tortoise. Their populat...The American Chestnut is an example of engineering life to thrive and refill its function in the ecosystem. Tortoises are other examples.
19 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Theory of Evolution Predicts the Existence of a Species
Both Darwin and his co-discoverer of natural selection, Wallace, called attention to an
amazing orchid from Madagascar, Angraecum sesquipedale (see colour page 4), and both men
made the same remarkable prediction, which was later triumphantly vindicated. This orchid has
tubular nectaries that reach down more than 11 inches by Darwin's own ruler. That's nearly 30
centimetres. A related species, Angraecum longicalcar, has nectar-bearing spurs that are even
longer, up to 40 centimetres (more tha...The existence of an orchid means there must be a species adapted to reaching its nectar.