16 MAR 2013 by ideonexus
Zero is Freedom
It is also clear that beginning with Plato's pupil Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) and the latter's practical philosophy, the geocentric concept of the celestial system was, after 200 B.C., becoming more and more formally adopted by the "world's" flat-minded power-structure "authorities," despite contradic¬ tory complexities. The difficultly explained geocentric cosmic systems' plan¬ etary behaviors and Sun motion was not considered by the authorities to be an objection since, as they rationalized...The emptiness allowed for freedom of calculations that would usurp the authoritarian powers.
19 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
Ignoring Inconvenient Truths In Astronomy
Metaphysically speaking, no one paradigm
is innately any better than any other. A universe that began at
9 a.m. on October 10, 4004 B.C. (which was official back in the
seventeenth century) is intrinsically no less valuable for those who
live by a belief in it than is our present uncertain universe, perhaps
built like a yo-yo, forever destroying and remaking itself in
never-ending big bangs. Each of the cosmological theories has, at
different times, found totally ironclad evidence to support ...In order to keep the Earth at the center of the Universe, theologians and astronomers had to come up with wild explanatory theories that did not fit the evidence.
03 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The Harems of Ancient Cultures
But when she examined the record of history, Betzig was stunned. Her simplistic prediction that power is used for sexual success was confirmed again and again. Only in the past few centuries in the West has it failed. Not only that, in most polygamous societies there were elaborate social mechanisms to ensure that a powerful polygamist left a polygamous heir.
The six independent "civilizations" of early history—BabyIon, Egypt, India, China, Aztec Mexico, and Inca Peru—were remarkable le...A strong argument for power influencing access to reproduction.
03 APR 2011 by ideonexus
Alexandria's Promise of a Brilliant Scientific Civilization
;Only once before in our history was there the promise of a brilliant scientific civilization. Beneficiary of the Ionian Awakening, it had its citadel at the Library of Alexandria, where 2,000 years ago the best minds of antiquity established the foundations for the systematic study of mathematics, physics, biology, astronomy, literature, geography and medicine. We build on those foundations still. The Library was constructed and supported by the Ptolemys, the Greek kings who inherited the Eg...Carl Sagan recounts the destruction of science and enlightenment in ancient Alexandria at the hands of religious zealotry.