04 MAR 2011 by ideonexus

 Two Economic Models for States

Walker also has an economic vision for his state—one which is common currency in the Republican Party today, but hitherto alien in a historically progressive, unionist Midwestern state like Wisconsin. It is based on a theory of economic growth that is not only anti-statist but aggressively pro-corporate: relentlessly focused on breaking the backs of unions; slashing worker compensation and benefits; and subsidizing businesses in order to attract capital from elsewhere and avoid its flight t...
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Interesting comparison between states that try to build up their economies with public programs that produce a strong and valuable workforce versus states that try to build up economies by reducing the value of the workforce, making it cheaper and more appealing to corporations.

03 JAN 2011 by ideonexus

 Esther Dyson Describes the NIIAC

The NIIAC was a well-meaning attempt to collect a diversity of opinion to make sure the emerging "NII" was useful to all Americans, and it probably did more good than I suspected at the time ... The members included the usual suspects: a librarian; a grade school teacher; a communications workers' union official; the head of BMI, a copyright agency; several telecom executives; several "content" people, including a legal publisher and a music-company executive; and old lawyer fried of the Clin...
Folksonomies: history internet
Folksonomies: history internet
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This is the organization Al Gore formed to help formulate policy on how the fed could grow the Internet.