07 MAR 2011 by ideonexus
Advice for Communicating with Trolls Properly
Some Advice for Communicating with Trolls Properly
Relax: don't worry if you don't get everything exactly right.
Communicate clearly: write in the best spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalisation, idiomatic speech, etc. that you can, no matter how bad the troll's messages were in this respect.
It may be a good idea to avoid too high or complicated words, because many foreign speakers of English often have poor English vocabulary.
Don't criticise what he says directly or the way he...Things to keep in mind and practice when arguing with Trolls.
17 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Notes from the Science-Art Session
No direct quote for this meme.Summaries of comments made during the science art session by artists and audience members:
- Hawks – interested in reconstruction, detailed realism, Neanderthal terminator, there is a tradition in anthropology of illustrating, Neanderthal are reconstructed to look doomed and confused, like it when illustrators and artists bring humanity into them, humor, Kenise Brothers give smiles to them, pose them, which isn’t scientific because we don’t know these things, but also more scientific because it isn’t so clinical
- Orr – orogenic.blogspot.com geometric, abstract illustrations of birds
- Links ot other artists on the wiki page: Carl Buell, etc http://scio11.wikispaces.com/Science-Art
- Radiohead/Nine Inch Nails Model: put a lot free stuff online in hopes of eventually being hired to do something custom, people expect images for free
- Criticism of Mellow's Darwin painting: the steps were too linear, it should have been a bush growing out of his head
- Svpow.wordpress.com – fantasy images of brachiosaurs, not scientifically accurate, but memorable. Brian Ang.
- My Favorite Anthropology Sculpture of Homo Erectus at the Hall of Human Origins - post a link to this image in the wiki.
- The monkey rising to become man iconic image is really wrong and hurts evolution’s image outside of the field. Mitochondria is another example, in cells they are not blobs, but are networked.