16 MAR 2014 by ideonexus
Seeing Dyson Civilizations
In summary, the circumstellar shells of Dyson civilizations-at temperatures ~300 degrees K and radii ~1 a.u.--can be detected with existing telescopes and state-of-the-art infrared detectors in the 8-13-u window out to distances of several hundred parsecs. But discrimination of Dyson civilizations from naturally occurring low-temperature objects is very difficult, unless Dyson civilizations have some further distinguishing feature, such as monochromatic radio-frequency emission.
Folksonomies: astronomy extraterrestrials
Folksonomies: astronomy extraterrestrials
How difficult would it be to detect their heat signature?
01 JAN 2010 by ideonexus
The Ocean Regulates the Earth's Temperature
For the globe as a whole, the ocean is the great regulator, the great stabilizer of temperatures. It has been described as 'a savings bank for solar energy, receiving deposits in seasons of excessive insolation and paying them back in seasons of want.' Without the ocean, our world would be visited by unthinkably harsh extremes of temperature. For the water that covers three-fourths of the earth's surface with an enveloping mantle is a substance of remarkable qualities. It is an excellent abso...Folksonomies: nature
Folksonomies: nature
It serves as a store for heat energy, maintaining a temperature balance on the planet.