16 DEC 2021 by ideonexus
Subjected Under the Guise of Freedom
Any disciplinary power that expends effort to force human beings into a straitjacket of commandments and prohibitions proves inefficient. It is significantly more efficient to ensure that people subordinate themselves to domination on their own. The efficacy defining the system today stems from the fact that, instead of operating through prohibition and privation, it aims to please and fulfill. Instead of making people compliant, it endeavors to make them dependent. This logic of neoliberal...People freely subject themselves to oppression in return for satisfying their addictions. Because the oppression is not overt, like in a police state, people blame themselves and not the system for their dissatisfactions.
17 OCT 2021 by ideonexus
Early Advocacy for Public Education
From the first moment of life, men ought to begin learning to deserve to live; and, as at the instant of birth we partake of the rights of citizenship, that instant ought to be the beginning of the exercise of our duty. If there are laws for the age of maturity, there ought to be laws for infancy, teaching obedience to others: and as the reason of each man is not left to be the sole arbiter of his duties, government ought the less indiscriminately to abandon to the intelligence and prejudices...Folksonomies: education public education
Folksonomies: education public education
24 JAN 2014 by ideonexus
Example of How Language Affects Thought
Another way of describing the revolution in physics is to say that the key moves and acts, physicists do not care; 'matter' to them means 'to matter'. moves and acts, physicists do not care; 'matter' to them means 'to matter', to make a difference. But our language is still geared to express 'states of being', rather than processes. In this connection, also, the German language helps to explain German philosophy. The Germans have been especially prone to hypostatize their abstractions, identi...Our language is focused on describing states of being rather than processes.
14 OCT 2013 by ideonexus
The Implications of a Facebook Bankruptcy
One reason companies like Facebook should be interested in what I am proposing is that planning a regulation regime is better than morphing involuntarily into a dull regulated utility, which is what would probably happen otherwise. Suppose Facebook never gets good enough at snatching the “advertising” business from Google. That’s still a possibility as I write this. In that event, Facebook could go into decline, which would present a global emergency. It’s not an outlandish scenario....Folksonomies: social media
Folksonomies: social media
People would lose their friends, contacts, and much online history.
07 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
We See the Momentary End-Point of the State of the Earth
In the course of the history of the earth innumerable events have occurred one after another, causing changes of states, all with certain lasting consequences. This is the basis of our developmental law, which, in a nutshell, claims that the diversity of phenomena is a necessary consequence of the accumulation of the results of all individual occurrences happening one after another... The current state of the earth, thus, constitutes the as yet most diverse final result, which of course repre...Folksonomies: causation
Folksonomies: causation
What we see on our planet is the result of a several-billion-year accumulation of events.
28 SEP 2011 by ideonexus
Adam Smith Defends Taxes
The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state. The expense of government to the individuals of a great nation, is like the expense of management to the joint tenants of a great estate, who are all obliged to contribute in proportion to their respective interests in the estate.Which should be proportional to a person's monetary interest in the country. The more of America you own, the more you have for the government to protect.
03 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
The Importance of Antitrust
...governments and communities have to establish and enforce strong antitrust laws--which is basically fighting any group that gets too large and usurps power. Antitrust fosters decentralization of power, whether from government or business hands. Right now, antitrust authorities are already cooperating across borders in a number of cases, including worldwide companies such as Microsoft and Beoing. But it's hard for any establishment--including governments-to enforce antitrust with enthusiasm...The importance and difficulty of preventing any organization from becoming so large as to dominate the system.