24 JAN 2014 by ideonexus
An Ape Reaches for the Moon
Of all the creatures who had yet walked on Earth, the man-apes were the first to look steadfastly at
the Moon. And though he could not remember it, when he was very young Moon-Watcher would
sometimes reach out and try to touch that ghostly face rising above the hills.
He had never succeeded, and now he was old enough to understand why. For first, of course, he
must find a high enough tree to climb.A scene from our primitive ancestors in the book 2001.
24 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
The A not B Task
Emilie sits on her father's lap and excitedly stares at the shiny brass bell that the research assistant across the table is holding. Making sure Emilie is watching, the assistant places the bell into one of two matching wells in the table and then quickly covers both wells with identical cloths. Emilie is eager to grab the bell, as any eight-month-old would, but her father gently holds back her arms while the researcher distracts her with a funny face. After five seconds, Dad is signaled to ...Folksonomies: cognition child development
Folksonomies: cognition child development
A number of complex cognitive tasks must come into play and coordinate properly for a child to recognize that an object has been moved from one hiding place to another.