07 DEC 2024 by ideonexus
GITS Laughing Man in Real Life
The real lesson of the GITS Laughing Man for the digital age is not about myth or becoming a folk hero. Anti-corpo is just the surface level
It is about copycats and the viral spread of memes. Not all memes succeed in going viral. But Once everyone (even foreign adversaries manufacturing outrage) amplifies a meme, it takes on a life of its own, to become a powerful force to shape opinion and distort truth.
Agents spam memetic messaging to gain acceptance and followers, not to spread truth. ...09 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
Biology and Civilization are Analogous
Every breath you draw, every accelerated beat of your heart in the emotional periods of your oratory depend upon highly elaborated physical and chemical reactions and mechanisms which nature has been building up through a million centuries. If one of these mechanisms, which you owe entirely to your animal ancestry, were to be stopped for a single instant, you would fall lifeless on the stage. Not only this, but some of your highest ideals of human fellowship and comradeship were not created i...Folksonomies: evolution civilization
Folksonomies: evolution civilization
In that our respiration depends on many biological features and our civilization is built on similar foundations.
05 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
When Metaphors Decieve
Some physiologists will have it that the stomach is a mill; others, that it is a fermenting vat; others, again that it is a stew-pan; but in my view of the matter, it is neither a mill, a fermenting vat nor a stew-pan, but a stomach gentlemen, a stomach. Folksonomies: metaphor
Folksonomies: metaphor
A great example concerning human physiology.
28 APR 2012 by ideonexus
Greed Mutates Science into Pseudoscience
Nature may be as selfishly studied as trade. Astronomy to the selfish becomes astrology; psychology, mesmerism (with intent to show where aour spoons are gone); and anatomy and physiology become phrenology and palmistry. It transmogrifies astronomy into astrology.