27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Shannon's Learning Mouse Theseus
Theseus was propelled by a pair of magnets, one embedded in its hollow core, and one moving freely beneath the maze. The mouse would begin its course, bump into a wall, sense that it had hit an obstacle with its “whiskers,” activate the right relay to attempt a new path, and then repeat the process until it hit its goal, a metallic piece of cheese. The relays stored the directions of the right path in “memory”: once the mouse had successfully navigated the maze by trial and error, it ...31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Genetic Language is Abstract and Flexible
The awesome power that genetic engineering will
one day place in our hands was foreshadowed recently
by some experimenters at the University of Basel in
Switzerland. Walter Gehring and his students were
studying the effects of the eyeless gene in fruit flies. The
gene is called eyeless because its absence causes flies to
grow without eyes. The gene actually causes eyes to grow. Gehring and the students inserted the gene into
various tissues of embryonic flies, and the embryos
grew into flies ...27 AUG 2012 by ideonexus
An Early Passage on Taxonomy
NATURE, by descending gradually from great to small, from strong to weak, coun|terbalances every part of her works. Attentive solely to the preservation of each species, she creates a profusion of individuals, and supports by numbers the small and the feeble, whom she hath left unprovided with arms or with courage. She has not only put those inferior animals in a condition to perpetuate and to resist by their own numbers, but she seems, at the same time, to have afforded a supply to each by m...The ability to distinguish and categorize species based on more and more minute differences, and yet be able to group them into larger categories as well.
02 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
The Mouse's Petition
(Found in the trap where he had been confined all night by Dr. Priestley, for the sake of making experiments with different kinds of air.)
OH! hear a pensive prisoner's prayer,
For liberty that sighs;
And never let thine heart be shut
Against the prisoner's cries!
For here forlorn and sad I sit,
Within the wiry grate;
And tremble at th' approaching morn,
Which brings impending fate.
If e'er thy breast with freedom glowed,
And spurned a tyrant's chain,
Let not thy strong oppressive force
A ...Folksonomies: poetry animal rights
Folksonomies: poetry animal rights
A poem by Anna Laetitia Barbauld that is considered the spark of the movement for the humane treatment of animals in scientific experimentation.