29 DEC 2016 by ideonexus
How Science Fiction Got Its Start with Frakenstein
It’s not completely fanciful to say that science fiction began with three things: a dead frog, a volcano, and a teenage bride.
The dead frog was one that an Italian physician named Luigi Galvani was experimenting with in the 1780s, when he found that a mild electric shock could cause the frog’s leg to twitch. It was just an induced muscle reflex, but it suggested that there might be a connection between electricity and life.
The volcano was Mount Tambora in Indonesia, which exploded in ...02 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Shelley's Obituary
This obituary was immediately followed in the same issue of the Gentleman’s Magazine by a short notice of the death of one Percy Bysshe Shelley, son of the Whig MP for Horsham. ‘Supposed to have perished at sea, in a storm, somewhere off Via Reggio, on the coast of Italy … Mr Shelley is unfortunately too well-known for his infamous novels and poems. He openly professed himself an atheist. His works bear the following titles: Prometheus Chained [sic] … etc.’69 For good measure a Lond...Called him "infamous" and condemned his atheism.
02 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
The Cognitive Growth of Frankestein's Monster
Mary Shelley’s idea of the mind was, like Lawrence’s, based on the notion of the strictly physical evolution of the brain. This is how Lawrence was provocatively challenging his fellow members of the Royal College of Surgeons in his lectures of 1817: ‘But examine the “mind,” the grand prerogative of man! Where is the “mind” of the foetus? Where is that of a child just born? Do we not see it actually built up before our eyes by the actions of the five external senses, and of the ...The monster grows according to Blake's hypothesis of cultural evolution.