27 JAN 2021 by ideonexus
Japanese Thumb Game
In this game, all players start by holding out both fists. One player starts the action by yelling “1, 2” (to get the other players ready) and then another number, which is his guess. Right after he yells “2” each player sticks up either 1 thumb, 2 thumbs, or no thumbs. The active player is trying to guess how many total thumbs (including his own) will be up. If he is wrong, the next player takes his turn. If he is right, he removes one of his hands from the game and takes another tur...Folksonomies: games
Folksonomies: games
29 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The Technique of Anchoring
You can use anchoring on yourself to quickly put yourself in a good or enthusiastic mood! Close your eyes and imagine a time when you were excited and motivated. Create a vivid mental picture. Now, when you are immersed in that motivated feeling, lightly scratch the pad of your index finger with your thumbnail. You're anchoring that state of mind to that sensation.Folksonomies: cognitive behavioral therapy anchoring
Folksonomies: cognitive behavioral therapy anchoring
Taking a positive experience and tying it to a physical sensation.
18 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Torture Methods Used on Those Accused of Witchcraft
One might glance at some of the special tortures at Bamberg,
for example, such as the forcible feeding of the accused on
herrings cooked in salt, followed by denial of water - a
sophisticated method which went side by side with immersion
of the accused in baths of scalding water to which lime had
been added. Other ways with witches included the wooden
horse, various kinds of racks, the heated iron chair, leg vises
[Spanish boots], and large boots of leather or metal into
which (with the feet ...Folksonomies: witch hunt injustice
Folksonomies: witch hunt injustice
A small subset of the injustices wrought on innocents.