07 DEC 2024 by ideonexus

 Prosochē - Stoic Version of Mindfulness

Prosochē (προσοχή) [pro-soh-KHAY]—the attitude and practice of attention—is the fundamental Stoic spiritual attitude.1 It is a state of continuous, vigilant, and unrelenting attentiveness to oneself—the present impressions, present desires, and present actions which shape one's moral character (prohairesis).2 When you relax your attention for a while, do not fancy you will recover it whenever you please; but remember this, that because of your fault of today your affairs must ...
Folksonomies: mindfulness stoicism
Folksonomies: mindfulness stoicism
  1  notes
01 DEC 2024 by ideonexus

 Zen Meditation is Proactive

The negativity of not-to also provides an essential trait of contemplation. In Zen meditation, for example, one attempts to achieve the pure negativity of not-to—that is, the void—by freeing oneself from rushing, intrusive Something. Such meditation is an extremely active process; that is, it represents anything but passivity. The exercise seeks to attain a point of sovereignty within oneself, to be the middle. If one worked with positive potency, one would stand at the mercy of the objec...
Folksonomies: critical theory
Folksonomies: critical theory
  1  notes
26 AUG 2012 by ideonexus

 Empiricism in Buddhist Spirituality

Both Buddhism and neuroscience converge on a similar point of view: The way it feels isn’t how it is. There is no permanent, constant soul in the background. Even our language about ourselves is to be distrusted (requiring the tortured negation of anatta). In the broadest strokes then, neuroscience and Buddhism agree. How did Buddhism get so much right? I speak here as an outsider, but it seems to me that Buddhism started with a bit of empiricism. Perhaps the founders of Buddhism were pre-...
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Buddhists recognize the impermanence of human existence, that we are perpetually changing. They discovered this truth, shared with neuroscience, because they gave up the ego of the self.

28 MAR 2012 by ideonexus

 Religion is a Solution to a Non-Problem

At the 2005 World Religions Conference, I was asked to represent atheism, sitting on the stage with a Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Sikh, Hindu, and Native American spiritualist. (I accepted the invitation only after making it clear that atheism is not a religion, and they agreed to include it as a “world philosophy.”) The theme of the conference was “salvation,” and each of us was asked to summarize our respective positions on that topic. After pointing out that “sin” is a re...
Folksonomies: atheism
Folksonomies: atheism
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It's like a doctor going around cutting people in order to heal them.

15 APR 2011 by ideonexus

 Controlling Pain with Meditation

In the study, a small group of healthy medical students attended four 20-minute training sessions on "mindfulness meditation" — a technique adapted from a Tibetan Buddhist form of meditation called samatha. It's all about acknowledging and letting go of distraction. "You are trying to sustain attention in the present moment — everything is momentary so you don't need to react," Zeidan explains. "What that does healthwise is it reduces the stress response. The feeling of pain is a ver...
Folksonomies: meditation pain
Folksonomies: meditation pain
  3  notes

Highlights from a study of meditation being used to control the sensation of pain.