Farmers Hurt Themselves Financially to Avoid Paying Taxes

gonzoflip 1 hour ago | unvote [-]

I have family that farms in Iowa and I also worked in the agriculture industry there for a while after leaving the military. One thing that increases the stress on the farmers is the way they avoid income taxes at all costs so they rarely save any of the profits from good years to help them float during the bad years. This is all anecdotal but I have personally talked with several farmers that would rather buy new equipment they say do not even need than pay the taxes to take the money as income. This mindset causes them to experience a huge amount of stress every season. The farmers would talk about struggling, but have a brand new semi-tractor sitting in a barn unused 10 months out of the year.

froindt 41 minutes ago [-]

>One thing that increases the stress on the farmers is the way they avoid income taxes at all costs so they rarely save any of the profits from good years to help them float during the bad years.

I'm from Iowa and a family member does lots of farm bankruptcies here. This is definitely a thing. Farmers buy new pickup trucks in lieu of showing a profit. Pair that in with land purchases at 7k /acre and the saying "the neighbors land will never come up for sale again while I'm alive" and you've got a good mix for very high stress situations.

pc86 54 minutes ago | unvote [-]

I think if anything it can be traced to a fundamental misunderstanding about how fractions work (and less glibly, basic personal finance). Choosing to spend $150,000 on things you objectively do not need in order to not have to write a $30,000 check to the IRS and put $120,000 in the bank for next year is not a rational decision for all but the most extreme anti-government/anti-tax ideologies. It's the very definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Folksonomies: ideology taxation

/science/medicine/surgery (0.574059)
/health and fitness/disorders/mental disorder/panic and anxiety (0.532779)
/automotive and vehicles/trucks and suvs/pickup trucks (0.424509)

farmers (0.997728 (:0.000000)), income taxes (0.996105 (:0.000000)), high stress situations (0.852421 (:0.000000)), extreme anti-government/anti-tax ideologies (0.844965 (:0.000000)), new pickup trucks (0.824600 (:0.000000)), basic personal finance (0.813873 (:0.000000)), agriculture industry (0.618756 (:0.000000)), farm bankruptcies (0.578532 (:0.000000)), fundamental misunderstanding (0.560924 (:0.000000)), new equipment (0.560834 (:0.000000)), rational decision (0.550104 (:0.000000)), neighbors land (0.543757 (:0.000000)), family member (0.543654 (:0.000000)), land purchases (0.537135 (:0.000000)), good mix (0.523614 (:0.000000)), thing (0.496049 (:0.000000)), profits (0.383890 (:0.000000)), unvote (0.360782 (:0.000000)), costs (0.359238 (:0.000000)), Iowa (0.355602 (:0.000000)), way (0.351420 (:0.000000)), mindset (0.295865 (:0.000000)), lieu (0.290888 (:0.000000)), military (0.279764 (:0.000000)), fractions (0.276832 (:0.000000)), season (0.274853 (:0.000000)), brand (0.274117 (:0.000000)), barn (0.273823 (:0.000000)), nose (0.273502 (:0.000000)), money (0.273314 (:0.000000)), Pair (0.272833 (:0.000000)), IRS (0.272794 (:0.000000)), things (0.267520 (:0.000000)), check (0.267192 (:0.000000)), /acre (0.266933 (:0.000000)), sale (0.266675 (:0.000000))

Iowa:Location (0.847384 (:0.000000)), IRS:Organization (0.565749 (:0.000000)), froindt:Person (0.547199 (:0.000000)), 41 minutes:Quantity (0.547199 (:0.000000)), 10 months:Quantity (0.547199 (:0.000000)), $120,000:Quantity (0.547199 (:0.000000)), $150,000:Quantity (0.547199 (:0.000000)), $30,000:Quantity (0.547199 (:0.000000)), 1 hour:Quantity (0.547199 (:0.000000)), 7k:Quantity (0.547199 (:0.000000))

Income tax (0.945538): dbpedia_resource
English-language films (0.937311): dbpedia_resource
Tax (0.799962): dbpedia_resource
Rationality (0.708418): dbpedia_resource
Pickup truck (0.708409): dbpedia_resource
Rational choice theory (0.689218): dbpedia_resource
Bad (0.677823): dbpedia_resource
Profit (0.676768): dbpedia_resource
Electronic/World Wide Web>Message Posted to Online Forum/Discussion Group:  gonzoflip, froindt, pc86 (2017),, Retrieved on 2017-12-13
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  • Folksonomies: taxes