Modern Propaganda Exhausts Critical Thinking

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.


Folksonomies: critical thinking truth propaganda

/education/homework and study tips (0.707063)
/science (0.225279)
/art and entertainment/visual art and design/design (0.150346)

Modern Propaganda Exhausts (0.943615 (:0.000000)), critical thinking (0.652456 (:0.000000)), Thinking The point (0.478053 (:0.000000))

Critical thinking (0.974621): dbpedia_resource
Propaganda (0.888879): dbpedia_resource
Thought (0.672045): dbpedia_resource
Reasoning (0.645080): dbpedia_resource
Logic (0.626694): dbpedia_resource
Psychological manipulation (0.620593): dbpedia_resource
The Point (0.534000): dbpedia_resource
Exhaust system (0.519600): dbpedia_resource

 Gary Kasparove on Twitter (13 Dec 2016)
Electronic/World Wide Web>Message Posted to Online Forum/Discussion Group:  Kasparov, Garry (13 Dec 2016), Gary Kasparove on Twitter (13 Dec 2016), Retrieved on 2017-09-29
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: propaganda alternative facts