Law, Education, Religion are Names We Give to Adaptation
The changes in the conditions of human life during the last twenty or thirty thousand years have been mainly brought about by the acceleration of invention through increasing co-operation and the release of material and social power. There have been no doubt climatic and geographical changes, but their share has been relatively less important. The essential story of history and pre-history is the story of the adaptation of the social- educated superstructure of the animal man to the novel problems with which his own enterprise and inventiveness have been continually confronting him. Law, religion, education, are from the ecological point of view, names we give to the cardinal aspects of this process of adaptation. Each generation in these growing and spreading societies was told a story of its relation to the community into which it had to fit itself and given an account of the acquiescences and co-operations expected from it. The imperatives of law, education, religion, all flowing into one another and sustaining one another, were expressed, and in these early stages of mental development could only be expressed, by anthropomorphic myths. Natural selection has no care for scientific precision. There is no immediate survival value in truth. To this day the survival value of the critical habit of mind is questionable. It sufficed for the purposes of nature if the myths and the system of observance, the things that were too awful to do and the things that it was fatal to leave undone, made for the survival of the community as a whole. The adaptive superstructures, the laws, rules and beliefs, that were favoring human survival, varied in different regions, but they varied within the limits set by the conditions of specific survival. A certain primary resemblance of the tribal gods and of the tribal stories and of the behavior systems of the differentiating social classes, waited upon the spread of the "normal" way of life about the earth. Parallel circumstances evoked parallel adjustments. Generally the pattern included a tribal ancestor god, a priesthood taking care of the calendar and medicine, a morality of propitiation and self-restraint.
Folksonomies: culture adaptation plasticity
/hobbies and interests/collecting/stamps and coins (0.619653)
/science/medicine/genetics (0.439760)
/law, govt and politics (0.271017)
survival value (0.990707 (negative:-0.505041)), immediate survival value (0.987554 (neutral:0.000000)), social- educated superstructure (0.982118 (positive:0.668362)), certain primary resemblance (0.909598 (neutral:0.000000)), tribal ancestor god (0.904850 (neutral:0.000000)), Adaptation The changes (0.802697 (neutral:0.000000)), specific survival (0.785286 (neutral:0.000000)), human survival (0.782308 (neutral:0.000000)), social power (0.761814 (neutral:0.000000)), human life (0.756282 (neutral:0.000000)), anthropomorphic myths (0.749419 (negative:-0.245131)), animal man (0.745711 (positive:0.668362)), novel problems (0.745441 (positive:0.668362)), adaptive superstructures (0.741912 (neutral:0.000000)), cardinal aspects (0.740260 (neutral:0.000000)), essential story (0.739335 (positive:0.668362)), ecological point (0.736568 (neutral:0.000000)), parallel adjustments (0.736388 (neutral:0.000000)), mental development (0.732977 (neutral:0.000000)), Natural selection (0.730531 (positive:0.790684)), scientific precision (0.730138 (positive:0.790684)), Parallel circumstances (0.729906 (neutral:0.000000)), critical habit (0.728590 (negative:-0.505041)), early stages (0.728410 (neutral:0.000000)), behavior systems (0.713667 (neutral:0.000000)), different regions (0.712636 (neutral:0.000000)), tribal stories (0.711077 (neutral:0.000000)), social classes (0.710455 (neutral:0.000000)), tribal gods (0.710035 (neutral:0.000000)), law (0.628877 (neutral:0.000000))
thirty thousand years:Quantity (0.010000 (neutral:0.000000))
Human (0.980016): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Natural selection (0.849197): dbpedia | freebase
Religion (0.781305): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Sociology (0.761891): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Morality (0.673452): dbpedia | freebase
Evolution (0.672915): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Earth (0.652812): dbpedia | freebase
Life (0.596479): dbpedia | freebase
Invention (0.580891): dbpedia | freebase
God (0.558273): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Social sciences (0.536286): dbpedia | opencyc
A Story (0.531880): dbpedia | freebase | yago