1.9 Cases of Leukemia per 10,000 CT Scans in Children

In the breakdown of results, the study authors from Group Health Research Institute and University of California, Davis note that the risk of developing leukemia was highest from head scans for kids under age 5 with a rate of 1.9 cases per 10,000 CT scans. Younger children and girls seemed more susceptible to solid cancers than older kids and boys. Every 300 to 390 scans of a girl’s abdomen or pelvis was associated with the development of one solid cancer. The study estimates that 4,870 future cancers may be caused by the 4 million pediatric CT scans each year. Cutting radiation doses for the top quarter of exposures may prevent 43% of those cancer diagnoses.


Folksonomies: cancer medicine childhood ct scans

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/family and parenting/children (0.327441)
/science/medicine/pediatrics (0.200503)

ct scans (0.928141 (negative:-0.394878)), pediatric CT scans (0.824765 (negative:-0.398187)), Group Health Research (0.740860 (neutral:0.000000)), head scans (0.662182 (neutral:0.000000)), solid cancers (0.552300 (negative:-0.661234)), Davis note (0.544674 (neutral:0.000000)), future cancers (0.543957 (negative:-0.398187)), study authors (0.531079 (neutral:0.000000)), Younger children (0.521545 (negative:-0.661234)), cancer diagnoses (0.513927 (negative:-0.835899)), older kids (0.512260 (negative:-0.661234)), solid cancer (0.489499 (negative:-0.716123)), leukemia (0.420867 (negative:-0.391569)), abdomen (0.370976 (negative:-0.716123)), cases (0.369896 (negative:-0.391569)), pelvis (0.369892 (negative:-0.716123)), exposures (0.356851 (negative:-0.835899)), rate (0.344889 (neutral:0.000000)), breakdown (0.341288 (negative:-0.391569)), results (0.341225 (negative:-0.391569)), Institute (0.340941 (neutral:0.000000)), University (0.340878 (neutral:0.000000)), California (0.340815 (neutral:0.000000)), risk (0.340626 (neutral:0.000000)), radiation (0.340436 (negative:-0.835899)), age (0.340247 (neutral:0.000000)), quarter (0.338374 (negative:-0.835899)), girls (0.337000 (negative:-0.661234))

CT Scans:FieldTerminology (0.874407 (negative:-0.391569)), cancer:HealthCondition (0.285045 (negative:-0.835899)), Group Health Research Institute:Organization (0.275038 (neutral:0.000000)), Davis:Person (0.237200 (neutral:0.000000)), University of California:Organization (0.203374 (neutral:0.000000)), 43%:Quantity (0.203374 (neutral:0.000000))

Ionizing radiation (0.989266): dbpedia | freebase
Cancer (0.943275): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Leukemia (0.817478): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Chemotherapy (0.666604): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Bone marrow (0.655721): dbpedia | freebase
Carcinogen (0.620891): dbpedia | freebase
Radiation therapy (0.586027): website | dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Senescence (0.570280): website | dbpedia | freebase

 Why The Link Between Childhood Cancer and CT Scans May Be Overblown
Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Sifferlin, Alexandra (June 11, 2013), Why The Link Between Childhood Cancer and CT Scans May Be Overblown, Retrieved on 2016-03-14
  • Source Material [healthland.time.com]
  • Folksonomies: cancer health childhood ct scans


    14 MAR 2016

     CT Scan Cancer Risk in Children

    One in 1,000 to 500 Chance of Cancer from Childhood CT Scan > Additional Support/Evidence > 1.9 Cases of Leukemia per 10,000 CT Scans in Children