Social Commentary in "The Time Machine"
Science is my territory, but science fiction landscape of my dreams. The year 1995 was the hundredth anniversary of the publication of H. G. Wells's The Time Machine, perhaps the darkest view of the human future ever imagined. Wells used a dramatic story to give his contemporaries a glimpse of a possible future. His purpose was not to predict but to warn. He was angry with the human species for its failures and follies. He was especially angry with the E nglish class system under which he had personally suffered, a system that divided people into idle rich and ex ploited poor, the rich enjoying the refi beauty while the poor were condemned to lives of ignorance and ugliness. Wells was warning his readers, and his E nglish upper-class readers in particular, that the gross inequality and injustice of their society was leading them to disaster. If you c ontinue along the way you are going, his story told them, here is the way you will end, with humanity split into two species, prey and predators: the E loi singing and dancing in the sunshine and the Morlocks keeping the machines running underground; the E loi having lost through indolence their practical and intellectual skills, the Morlocks tending their erstwhile cousins like cattle as a convenient source of meat.
Folksonomies: science fiction social commentary
/society (0.627843)
/art and entertainment/books and literature/science fiction (0.513126)
/business and industrial/energy/natural gas (0.439911)
H. G. Wells (0.914186 (neutral:0.000000)), nglish upper-class readers (0.898339 (neutral:0.000000)), Time Machine (0.867793 (neutral:0.000000)), science fiction landscape (0.851840 (positive:0.233836)), nglish class (0.644251 (negative:-0.415209)), loi singing (0.577758 (positive:0.529988)), darkest view (0.567271 (positive:0.519833)), erstwhile cousins (0.566041 (positive:0.635882)), Social Commentary (0.564516 (neutral:0.000000)), human future (0.541320 (positive:0.488676)), gross inequality (0.538593 (negative:-0.296671)), Morlocks tending (0.516577 (positive:0.496561)), refi beauty (0.515641 (positive:0.336048)), human species (0.512559 (negative:-0.665399)), convenient source (0.508341 (positive:0.635882)), humanity split (0.505825 (neutral:0.000000)), intellectual skills (0.499332 (positive:0.685075)), story (0.310129 (positive:0.632222)), way (0.296013 (positive:0.267245)), ignorance (0.285432 (negative:-0.777384)), contemporaries (0.277923 (positive:0.632222)), glimpse (0.275748 (positive:0.632222)), injustice (0.273128 (negative:-0.296671)), failures (0.271308 (negative:-0.665399)), anniversary (0.266684 (neutral:0.000000)), territory (0.265470 (neutral:0.000000)), predators (0.262855 (neutral:0.000000)), prey (0.260853 (neutral:0.000000)), publication (0.260549 (neutral:0.000000)), purpose (0.259716 (negative:-0.281871))
H. G. Wells:Company (0.807258 (negative:-0.142226)), Time Machine:FieldTerminology (0.526009 (neutral:0.000000)), E nglish class:Organization (0.472005 (negative:-0.415209)), Morlocks:City (0.316101 (positive:0.496561))
The Time Machine (0.975100): dbpedia | freebase | yago
Time travel (0.780933): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Science fiction (0.735760): dbpedia | freebase
H. G. Wells (0.678476): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc | yago
Future (0.545791): dbpedia | freebase
Human (0.544828): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Science (0.539576): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Working class (0.528966): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc