Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: (comte) , Antoine-François de Fourcroy (1804), A general system of chemical knowledge, Retrieved on 2012-05-16Source Material [books.google.com]
Folksonomies: science Memes
16 MAY 2012
Atoms Form Compounds With Properties Very Different Than ...
Compounds formed by chemical attraction, possess new properties different from those of their component parts... chemists have long believed that the contrary took place in their combination. They thought, in fact, that the compounds possessed properties intermediate between those of their component parts; so that two bodies, very coloured, very sapid, or insapid, soluble or insoluble, fusible or infusible, fixed or volatile, assumed in chemical combination, a shade or colour, or taste, solub...It was long thought in Chemistry that compounds exhibited traits partway between their component parts.