Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Coelho, Paulo (1988), The Alchemist, Retrieved on 2024-12-01
Folksonomies: fiction


01 DEC 2024

 Live the Present

—Estoy vivo —dijo al muchacho mientras comía un plato de dátiles en la noche sin hogueras ni luna—. Mientras estoy comiendo, no hago nada más que comer. Si estuviera caminando, me limitaría a caminar. Si tengo que luchar, será un día tan bueno para morir como cualquier otro. »Porque no vivo ni en mi pasado ni en mi futuro. Tengo sólo el presente, y eso es lo único que me interesa. Si puedes permanecer siempre en el presente serás un hombre feliz. Percibirás que en el desiert...
Folksonomies: mindfulness
Folksonomies: mindfulness
  1  notes

"I'm alive," he said to the boy while he ate a plate of dates on the night without bonfires or moon. While I'm eating, I don't do anything but eat. If I were walking, I would just walk. If I have to fight, it will be as good a day to die as any.

»Because I do not live in my past or in my future. I only have the present, and that is the only thing that interests me. If you can always stay in the present you will be a happy man. You will perceive that life exists in the desert, that the sky has stars, and that warriors fight because this is partof the human race. Life will be a party, a great festival, because it is only the moment we are living.

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