Technical and Research Papers>Private Organization Report:  Tekinbaş, Katie Salen (September, 2020), Raising Good Gamers, Retrieved on 2021-03-03
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: gaming digital citizenship


    03 MAR 2021

     Roots of Toxic Online Game Culture

    Streamers behave badly as a way to increase their views and likes, which in turn maximizes their profits and those of their company sponsors. Game companies cannot fully control who plays their games, despite Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings. Younger players play mature games and learn through their interactions with older and often toxic audiences. Cultural stigmatization of gaming leads to a lack of educator involvement in supporting prosocial and educational gaming sp...
      1  notes
    03 MAR 2021

     A 2030 Vision for Gaming Culture

    Young gamers are having fun, learning from each other, and learning to be good citizens of gaming and online communities. They are able to transfer some of their skills and citizenship sensibility to other aspects of their lives. They are connecting and mentoring each other in online gaming spaces that are safe, mixed age, and centered on creation, exploration, inquiry, and friendly competition. Youth and their parents have a deeper understanding of digital citizenship, supported and taught...
      1  notes

    Parent Reference