Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  O'Malley, Conor and Salguero, Miranda (2016), How to Teach with Games, Retrieved on 2017-03-15
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  • Folksonomies: game-based learning


    15 MAR 2017

     Games Allow Experimentation

    One way to achieve genuine engagement in students is to provide them with the opportunity to experiment with scenarios in which they can examine complex issues and interactions. Games provide a safe and interactive way for kids to engage with complex ideas, put themselves in others’ roles and analyze issues from a perspective different from their own. This gives game-based learning incredible potential to provide students with a reason to engage with difficult content and to feel invested i...
    Folksonomies: game-based learning
    Folksonomies: game-based learning
      1  notes

    Let’s play! Transforming My Teaching to Match My Students Miranda Salguero

    15 MAR 2017

     Making Standards Transparent Encourages Students

    When we make the standards and objectives transparent for students, we empower them to be active in our learning choices as well. I have found that when students know what the previous year’s standard is and where we were headed in our learning, they are eager to co-construct our learning. Students care about being able to demonstrate what they know because they understand the journey. This kind of transparency also makes it much easier for students to advocate for themselves and explain wh...
      1  notes

    Let’s play! Transforming My Teaching to Match My Students Miranda Salguero

    15 MAR 2017

     The problem with testing for abstraction

    ...students learn by doing. Testing for abstraction on an exam can’t be the only way we’re evaluating student learning. If I had taken an exam on leadership in World of Warcraft, I would have likely failed, because the way I was engaged was through the practice of performing the leadership, not by talking or quizzing on it. Thought leader within the game-based learning movement, James Paul Gee, refers to this type of learning as “Situated and Embodied Learning,” where the learning is ...
      1  notes

    Teambuilding & Leadership Embedded in Play Conor O'Malley

    Parent Reference