Electronic/World Wide Web>Message Posted to Online Forum/Discussion Group: sg_oneill, (June 27, 2016), Re:WTF is happening, Retrieved on 2016-07-08Source Material [news.slashdot.org]
Folksonomies: history perspective Memes
08 JUL 2016
Perspectives of History
The trouble I think is that historians dont actually agree on much about those processes. The post-marxist school of thought sees history as a process of struggles over resources between interest groups. Foucaultians see history as a process born of the "techniques" of power the elites wield over the non elites, Traditional liberalism saw history as a Hegelian (Not to be confused with marxisms very different view) process of gradual movements towards technological, social and cultural perfec...Folksonomies: history perspective
Folksonomies: history perspective