Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Blankenhorn, David (February 17, 2016), The Seven Habits of Highly Depolarizing People, Retrieved on 2016-02-25
  • Source Material [www.the-american-interest.com]
  • Folksonomies: politics discourse rhetoric dialogue mediation


    25 FEB 2016

     Habits for Depolarization

    1. Criticize from within. In other words, criticize the other—whether person, group, or society—on the basis of something you have in common. The political philosopher Michael Walzer describes this approach as “internal criticism.” He writes: “We criticize our society just as we criticize our friends, on the assumption that the terms of the critique, the moral references, are common.” As Walzer and many others have observed, besides being depolarizing, criticizing from within is ...
      1  notes

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