Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: MILLIGAN, IAN (JUNE 17, 2013), In a Rush to Modernize, MySpace Destroyed More History, Active History, Retrieved on 2015-11-09Source Material [activehistory.ca]
Folksonomies: history internet archive archiving Memes
09 NOV 2015
MySpace Destroyed History
MySpace, in a rush to relaunch and rebrand itself, made inaccessible the blogs of all of its users. There could be no movement to preserve this record of the past, as it happened so suddenly. Millions of contributions, critical records of events of a decade or so ago, lost in the blink of an eye. It’s similar to the destruction of something like Penn station: a website that was run by user-generated content, that was a central hub of Internet traffic, and that meant something to multiple mi...Folksonomies: history internet history
Folksonomies: history internet history