Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Lovecraft, H.P. (201581), The Whisperer in Darkness: Collected Stories Volume 1, Retrieved on 2015-10-28Source Material [www.hplovecraft.com]
Folksonomies: horror Memes
28 OCT 2015
Transhumanism in Lovecraft
After what he had told, I could scarcely imagine what profounder secrets he was saving for the morrow; but at last it developed that his trip to Yuggoth and beyond—and my own possible participation in it—was to be the next day’s topic. He must have been amused by the start of horror I gave at hearing a cosmic voyage on my part proposed, for his head wabbled violently when I shewed my fear. Subsequently he spoke very gently of how human beings might accomplish—and several times had acc...Folksonomies: transhumanism
Folksonomies: transhumanism
The Old Ones travel through space via surgical enhancements.
28 OCT 2015
The Old Ones
As to what the things were—explanations naturally varied. The common name applied to them was “those ones”, or “the old ones”, though other terms had a local and transient use. Perhaps the bulk of the Puritan settlers set them down bluntly as familiars of the devil, and made them a basis of awed theological speculation. Those with Celtic legendry in their heritage—mainly the Scotch-Irish element of New Hampshire, and their kindred who had settled in Vermont on Governor Wentworth...Folksonomies: otherness
Folksonomies: otherness