Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Ceci, Stephen J. (November 13, 2007), The Significance of the Flynn Effect, CATO, Retrieved on 2015-05-26
  • Source Material [www.cato-unbound.org]
  • Folksonomies: intelligence iq g-factor


    26 MAY 2015

     The Biggest Gains in g

    It is one thing if a child’s IQ is elevated over time because she is drilled daily on vocabulary and basic number facts (two of the subtests of major IQ batteries). But Flynn and others have shown that these are not the areas where IQ has risen much. It is in what Flynn refers to as “on-the-spot reasoning” about relations between objects that are either totally familiar to everyone, hence no one can be claimed to have a prior advantage (e.g., arranging familiar pictures so they tell a c...
    Folksonomies: intelligence iq g-factor
    Folksonomies: intelligence iq g-factor
      1  notes

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