Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Turkheimer, Eric (November 11, 2007), The Fundamental Intuition, CATO, Retrieved on 2015-05-26
  • Source Material [www.cato-unbound.org]
  • Folksonomies: intelligence g-factor


    26 MAY 2015

     <em>g</em> Presumes Unidimensionality

     In a multidimensional set of interrelations among tests, one axis can be found that accounts for as much of the interrelatedness as possible, even when it is known that more dimensions are required. The g-men have defined that largest dimension as g. They haven’t discovered it, as they are fond of saying, any more than the Greenwich Meridian was discovered by the International Meridian Conference in 1884. Any set of interrelated tests has to have a largest dimension, so under this d...
    Folksonomies: iq measurement
    Folksonomies: iq measurement
      1  notes

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